History and Service the theme at Blagdon Lodge No. 547

A wonderful meeting was held at Blagdon Lodge of MMM No. 547 on Wednesday 7th February 2024. Firstly, the Lodge was treated to a fascinating talk entitled ‘Lady Harris Tracing Boards’. This was about the history of a set of Tracing Boards painted circa 1938 for the three degrees of Craft Masonry by Lady Frieda Harris. This was delivered by W. Bro. Clive Robson P.A.G.D.C. who is well known for providing excellent lectures and was well received by all present. Many thanks go to W. Bro. Clive for taking the time to research and prepare such an interesting and informative talk and giving us such a well delivered presentation.

The Lady Frieda Harris Tracing Boards

Lady Frieda Harris  is best known as the artist who painted one of the most popular Tarot decks in the world, The Thoth Tarot Cards for the British  Occultist Aleister Crowley. Harris’s artwork is iconic, from the standpoint of Tarot history. Harris’s father was a member of the United Grand Lodge of England, and it is certain  that Harris herself was a member of the Co-Masonic Order: a catalogue of her effects listed for auction after her death  included two Masonic aprons and a sash. Lady Harris appears to have been a spiritual seeker, embracing a succession of faiths in her lifetime. She was a follower of the Theosophist Rudolph Steiner. Sometime around 1937 she studied Anthroposophy and the projective synthetic geometry at Rudolf Steiner House under the tutelage of George Adams  and Olive Whicher.   Read more…
Credit: W.Bro. Clive Robson P.A.G.D.C.

40 Years Service Certificate for W. Bro. Phil

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V. W. Bro Richard Northey, then had the great pleasure of presenting W. Bro. Phil Bainbridge with his 40-year long service certificate commemorating his years of membership in the Mark Degree in Northumberland.

Bro. Phil was advanced into Blagdon Lodge MMM No. 547 on 7th December 1983 and became Worshipful Master in April 1992. He was appointed to P. Prov. Grand Junior Deacon in 1996 and then promoted to P. Prov. Grand Inspector of Works in 2021.

Bro. Phil has remained active and continued to support the Lodge through the years and is currently the Charity Steward and Inner Guard. He is also presently Worshipful Commander of Blagdon Lodge RAM No. 547.

Mention was also made of the fact that the meeting night was on W. Bro. Phil’s birthday and congratulations were given to him on by everyone present. After V. W. Bro. Richard had presented the certificate to W. Bro. Phil some notable events of 1983 were shared with everyone. This included the official opening of the internet; the world’s first commercial mobile phones being produced in America and the first cd players going on sale in the UK at the rather hefty price of around £300! V. W. Bro. Richard then went on to thank him for his many years of loyal and dedicated service to Blagdon Lodge and the Mark Degree in Northumberland and hoped that he would continue to have many more years enjoying the companionship and friendship of the Order.

This wonderful evening was then rounded off by an excellent festive board among good friends.

Magic of the Mark


2031 MBF Festival Launch Dinner Dance

The Great North Air Ambulance receives Grant from MBF

The Travelling Sceptre, without the use of a Satnav,  has found its way back to Whitley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 788.   It’s there to be rescued.

The Travelling Gavel has left Whitley Bay and moved from the furthest east of the Province to the furthest west and is now in the possession of Hexham Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1141.   Perhaps it can now make its way to the far north to compete the Northumberland triangle.

Dates for the Diary:

NMBF February Social
Saturday 22nd February 2025

Check out the latest News:

NMBF Summer BBQ 2024

Thank-you letter from HospiceCare

Thank-you letter from Alnwick District Food Bank

PGM makes donation to BHF

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