Morpeth Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.691 - 40 Year Certificate

Wednesday 10th January was a very special night in Morpeth Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 691 when our Provincial Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Raymond Walton, attended the meeting. After the business of the Lodge had been completed, during which Bro. Gareth Davies delivered an extremely interesting talk, R. W. Bro. Ray continued by presenting W. Bro. Stephen Matthews with his certificate commemorating 40 years of membership of the RAM Degree in Northumberland.

Bro. Stephen was elevated into Morpeth Lodge of RAM on 11th January 1984. He was appointed as Junior Warden in March 1992, Senior Warden in March 1993 and became Worshipful Commander in March 1995.

He has remained committed to the Lodge and became Treasurer in 2008, a position he still holds after 16 years and has also taken on the role of Charity Steward for three years. As a former Bank Manager, the financial affairs of the Lodge could not be in more capable hands.

For his support of the Degree W. Bro. Stephen received Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank in 2002 and then the well-deserved honour of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in December 2012.

We congratulate W. Bro. Stephen on his long and distinguished commitment to the Order and Morpeth Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 691 in particular, and we hope he continues to have many happy years ahead among the members of the Lodge and in the Province of Northumberland.

Magic of the Mark


2031 MBF Festival Launch Dinner Dance

The Great North Air Ambulance receives Grant from MBF

The Travelling Sceptre, without the use of a Satnav,  has found its way back to Whitley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 788.   It’s there to be rescued.

The Travelling Gavel has left Whitley Bay and moved from the furthest east of the Province to the furthest west and is now in the possession of Hexham Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1141.   Perhaps it can now make its way to the far north to compete the Northumberland triangle.

Dates for the Diary:

NMBF February Social
Saturday 22nd February 2025

Check out the latest News:

NMBF Summer BBQ 2024

Thank-you letter from HospiceCare

Thank-you letter from Alnwick District Food Bank

PGM makes donation to BHF

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