A very special evening for Hotspur with Coquetdale No.135

Wednesday 18th October 2023 was a very special evening for Hotspur with Coquetdale Mark Lodge No. 135. This meets in the Alnwick Masonic Centre and is one of the oldest Mark Lodges in the Province of Northumberland, having been in existence since 1871.

Firstly, the Lodge welcomed the Provincial Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Raymond Walton to their meeting. 

Ballots were then taken for W. Bro. Steve Buchanan P.Prov.G.M.O. and W. Bro. Les Francis P.G.J.D. as joining members, and then for Bro. Stephen Whiting as a re-joining member. Both ballots proved favourable and those present were welcomed into the Lodge by the Master, V. W. Bro Stuart Cairns P.G.J.O., P.D.P.G.M.


In the picture above are the P.G.M. with Bros. Marc Lewis, Stephen Whiting, W. Bro. Steve Buchanan and V. W. Bro. Stuart Cairns. W. Bro. Les Francis being unable to attend due to illness.

A further ballot was taken for Bro. Marc Tremain Lewis, a Master Mason of Lord Warkworth Lodge No.1879 as a candidate. The ballot again proved favourable and Bro. Marc was admitted and advanced in an first class manner into this wonderful degree by the Worshipful Master, V. W. Bro. Stuart Cairns, assisted by his officers. Bro. Marc later said how much he had enjoyed the whole evening and was looking forward to further meetings of the Lodge. We welcome Bro. Marc into Mark Masonry, and we hope he has many years of enjoyment in the Order.

The picture above shows the P.G.M. welcoming Bro. Marc Lewis into Mark Masonry.


V. W. Bro. Stuart then thanked the Officers and visitors who had so ably assisted him with the ceremony, especially W. Bro. Jim Thompson P.A.G.Swd.B. who demonstrated the signs of the degree in an exemplary manner, and W. Bro. Tom Boswell of Amble Mark Lodge No. 780 who had been invited to act as S.D. and did an excellent job conducting the candidate throughout the ceremony

The P.G.M. then requested that W. Bro. William Gibson P.Prov.G.J.W. be presented to him, which was done. R. W. Bro Ray thanked W. Bro. William for his long service, firstly to Coquetdale Mark Lodge No. 1115, then, upon merger in 2007, to Hotspur with Coquetdale Mark Lodge No. 135 in 2007. Bro. William was advanced into Coquetdale Mark Lodge No. 1151 in March 1981, becoming Master in 1991, then again in 1996. He was appointed to Prov.G.S.D. in 1996, promoted to P.Prov.G.J.O. in 2002, and then to P.Prov.G.J.W. in 2013. He has continued to support his Lodge over the years and is currently Master Overseer.

The PGM then presented W. Bro. Bill with his certificate commemorating 40 years of service to Mark Masonry along with a tie and badge to mark the occasion.

   This picture shows the P.G.M. presenting W. Bro. Bill Gibson with his 40-year certificate.

After the Lodge had been closed, the brethren retired for a enjoyable festive board in a very convivial atmosphere.  Another marvelous evening of Mark Magic.

Photo Credits: W. Bro. Jim Thompson

Magic of the Mark


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The Travelling Sceptre, without the use of a Satnav,  has found its way back to Whitley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 788.   It’s there to be rescued.

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Saturday 22nd February 2025

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