Alnwick Candidate!

At the December meeting of the Hotspur with Coquetdale Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 135 held in Alnwick Masonic Centre, the Worshipful Master, V.W. Bro. Stuart Cairns, had the pleasure of advancing another candidate, Bro. Bob Brooks, into the Order. Bro. Bob is currently Senior Warden of Hulne Priory Lodge No. 6464 and Principal Sojourner in the Alnwick Chapter No. 1167. At the festive board Bro. Bob said how much he had enjoyed his welcome into Mark Masonry and that he looked forward to finding out more about the Order.

The photo shows members and visitors with V.W. Bro. Stuart Cairns next to new member Bro. Robert Brooks and W. Bro. Arch Dawson with his 40 year certificate.

Another pleasant task on the evening was for W. Bro. Jim Thompson to present, on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Archibold Dawson with his 40-year certificate. He joined the Heart of Glendale Mark Lodge in 1981 and has continued to work diligently in the order. He was also presented with a 40-year badge and tie to further mark the occasion. W. Bro. Arch is currently Senior Overseer in Hotspur with Coquetdale.

V.W. Bro. Stuart then thanked the visitors who had attended the meeting and the Officers that had assisted with the ceremony. W. Bro. Tom Boswell from Amble Mark Lodge No. 780, who filled the Office of Senior Deacon, received a special mention as he carried out his role superbly.

At the last meeting, Bro. Marc Lewis joined Hotpsur with Coquetdale and went on a visit a couple of weeks later where he filled an officer’s roll. Nice to see a new member taking on the work with enthusiasm and enjoyment.

With steady work new members are being found and Advanced into the Order and we will continue to work towards swelling our numbers in the Northumberland Province.

Thanks go to W. Bro. Jim Thompson for the write up and photo.

Magic of the Mark


2031 MBF Festival Launch Dinner Dance

The Great North Air Ambulance receives Grant from MBF

The Travelling Sceptre, without the use of a Satnav,  has found its way back to Whitley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 788.   It’s there to be rescued.

The Travelling Gavel has left Whitley Bay and moved from the furthest east of the Province to the furthest west and is now in the possession of Hexham Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1141.   Perhaps it can now make its way to the far north to compete the Northumberland triangle.

Dates for the Diary:

NMBF February Social
Saturday 22nd February 2025

Check out the latest News:

NMBF Summer BBQ 2024

Thank-you letter from HospiceCare

Thank-you letter from Alnwick District Food Bank

PGM makes donation to BHF

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