Farne Lodge of RAM No. 1540 celebrates its 25th Anniversary

A particularly memorable evening took place on 15th March 2024 when Farne Lodge of RAM No. 1540 celebrated the 25th Anniversary of it’s Consecration on 20th March 1999. To mark this special occasion the Provincial Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Ray Walton, supported by the DPGM and APGM, led the Provincial Team to join in the celebration. There was an excellent turn out from the Team with over 20 Officers being in attendance. They received a wonderful reception from the Worshipful Commander and the other members of the Lodge who were present.

After the Team had been welcomed into the Lodge a Dispensation was read allowing the Worshipful Commander to remain in the Chair for a third year. Bro. Philip Rodney Hutchinson was then proclaimed as Worshipful Commander and he went on to appoint and invest his Officers for the ensuing year.

The business of the meeting continued with W. Bro. Dr Greg Smith RAMGR, Founder Member,  reading the Consecration Minutes of the Lodge.

This was followed by W. Bro. Jim Thompson, BEM, ProvRAMGR, giving a resumé of National and International events that occurred during 1999. This was delivered in a light-hearted and thought-provoking way that had many people remembering what life was like 25 years ago.

W. Bro. Dr David Starrit, ProvRAMGR, Honorary Member of the Lodge and the Consecrating Junior Warden, then shared his memories of the occasion in a very articulate way and we thank him for sharing those with us.

The proceedings continued with our Provincial Grand Chaplain, Bro. Gareth Davies, delivering an Oration in his usual eloquent manner and leading us in the Act of Thanksgiving. 
W. Bro. Peter Magnay DL, RAMGR, a Founder Member and the first Worshipful Commander also shared his memories of the occasion in his expressive way and with his usual dry sense of humour which made them very enjoyable to listen to.

Alms were collected and the Provincial Grand Master and Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge then retired from the Lodge.

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The Travelling Sceptre, without the use of a Satnav,  has found its way back to Whitley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 788.   It’s there to be rescued.

The Travelling Gavel has left Whitley Bay and moved from the furthest east of the Province to the furthest west and is now in the possession of Hexham Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1141.   Perhaps it can now make its way to the far north to compete the Northumberland triangle.

Dates for the Diary:

NMBF February Social
Saturday 22nd February 2025

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