Mark Centenary Meeting at Amble 780

Amble celebrates 100 years with a visit from the Pro Grand Master

Another Centenary Meeting on 24th May 2023, this time for Amble Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 780 as they celebrated 100 years of continuous working.

Amble Lodge of MMM was consecrated on 21st February 1923. It was hoped that the consecration ceremony would be held in Amble, but for some reason this was not possible, and the ceremony was held at the Masonic Hall, Grainger Street in Newcastle upon Tyne. The consecration ceremony was carried out by the Provincial Grand Master, Colonel Charles Warren Napier-Clavering, assisted by the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. It was another one of the first Lodges to be consecrated after the formation of the new Mark Province of Northumberland in 1920.

At the Centenary Meeting, the Lodge welcomed the Provincial Grand Master R. W. Bro. Raymond Arthur Walton along with his Provincial team. The Lodge was also greatly honoured and delighted with the presence of the Pro Grand Master, M. W. Bro. John Herbert Prizeman who was accompanied by his Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. Andrew Brown and his Grand Sword Bearer W. Bro. Anthony E. Farrar. W. Bro. Jim Thompson had the honour of acting as Grand Standard Bearer for the evening.

After the M. W. Pro Grand Master assumed the Master’s chair he expressed how happy he was to be back in Northumberland and to be present at Amble Mark Lodge’s Centenary Celebration. The original Warrant of the Lodge was then read by the Acting Provincial Grand Secretary W. Bro. John Park and the Centenary Warrant was read by the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. Andrew Brown. The M. W. Pro Grand Master went on to present the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Graham Bainbridge, with the Centenary Warrant of the Lodge after which the W. Master was placed back into the Master’s chair.

The history of the Lodge was read by W. Bro. Selby Snaith in an exemplary way and this was followed by the Oration, Service of Thanksgiving and Benediction, which was delivered in his usual commendable manner by the Provincial Grand Chaplain, Bro Gareth Davies.

The M. W. Pro. Grand Master then took the opportunity to present a number of Honorifics to those brethren who were present in recognition of their donations made to the Mark Benevolent Fund. He thanked the brethren for their support, re-iterating how important such efforts were, and how many worthy causes were helped by such contributions.

After this the M. W. Pro Grand Master was introduced to the members of the Lodge and he presented them with their Centenary Jewels.

The W. M. of the Lodge went on to present Centenary Jewels to the M. W. Pro Grand Master and the R. W. Provincial Grand Master. However, as only members of the Lodge are officially allowed to wear the Jewels, the M. W. Pro Grand Master and R. W. Provincial Grand Master thanked the Lodge for their kind gesture.

After the Lodge was closed, everyone was treated to an excellent meal during a very enjoyable evening. It is worth mentioning that, at the Festive Board, by permission of the W. Master, W. Bro. David Fuller announced that he was going to have all his hair shaved off the following day and asked for donations in aid of the MacMillan Nurses. The tremendous sum of £200 was raised thanks to the generosity of the brethren present and W. Bro David thanked everyone for their generous contributions. He also thanked the Macmillan Nurses for their support during his wife’s illness before passing, and the care offered to him during the time that he looked after her at home.

The M. W.  Pro Grand Master thanked all for the kindness that had been afforded to him during his visit to Amble Lodge MMM, and wished the Lodge all the best for the future. He also said how much he had enjoyed the evening. He and the Grand Director of Ceremonies were each presented with a bottle of local gin, for which he expressed his gratitude on behalf of himself and his Director of Ceremonies.

I’m sure that everyone who attended this memorable occasion had a very enjoyable time too.

Congratulations go to Amble Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 780 for over 100 years of Mark Masonry, and we hope that the Lodge continues for many years to come.

Many thanks go to everyone who worked so hard to make it such a memorable occasion for all and the same thanks to the staff at Amble Masonic Hall for the food and service.

Another wonderful ‘Mark’ evening.

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Saturday 22nd February 2025

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