60 Year certificate presentation at Risingham No.1033

As part of the evening’s business during the Provincial Visit led by the Provincial Grand Master to Risingham Mark Lodge No 1033 on 10th October, R.W. Bro. Raymond Walton intended to present two long service certificates commemorating sixty years of membership of the Mark Degree to W. Bro. John Spearman P.Prov.G.S.W. The first was on behalf of the Grand Master, His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO. The second on behalf of the Mark Province of Northumberland.

Unfortunately, W. Bro. John was unable to attend the meeting due to ill health. However, since then, on Friday 13th October W. Bro. John received a visit from the PGM, R. W. Bro. Raymond Walton, along with the DPGM, V. W. Bro. Richard Northey, the APGM, W. Bro. Paul Hilditch, as well as W. Bro. Peter Marshall Prov.G.J.W., Master of Risingham Mark Lodge , W. Bro. Edwin Wilkinson PAGDC, also of Risingham Mark Lodge, and W. Bro. Laurence Bell P.Prov.G.J.D. of Hexham Mark Lodge.

Bro John was advanced into Hexham Mark Lodge No 1161 on the 12th December 1962 and after passing through various offices became Worshipful Master in 1974. He was appointed P.Prov.G.J.D. in 1978, an office he held for 36 years. He resigned from Hexham Mark Lodge in 2008 and became a member of Risingham Mark Lodge No 1033 the same year, where he remains a fully paid up member. He has continued to support the Lodge by being active as Junior Overseer in 2014 and then Senior Overseer in 2018 an office he still holds today.

On 27th September 2014 at our Annual Provincial Meeting, he was invested by the then Provincial Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Gordon Craigs, to Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden. This is the highest Provincial Appointment a member can receive and was a very well-deserved promotion.

Bro. John was delighted to receive the Certificates and was only disappointed that he had been unable to attend the meeting and enjoy the occasion.

Bro. John has always shown a keen interest and desire to support his Lodge, and this has been shown by his willingness to contribute at every meeting of the Lodge since becoming a member. This commitment has been greatly appreciated by all the Lodge members who have also become good friends. Even at the age of 91 W. Bro. John still shows as much enthusiasm for Mark Masonry as he did back in 1962 and continues to prove his love of this special degree in Freemasonry.

We congratulate W. Bro. John for his long and dedicated service to Mark Masonry in Northumberland and hope that he continues to enjoy the companionship and friendship of this wonderful degree.

Magic of the Mark


2031 MBF Festival Launch Dinner Dance

The Great North Air Ambulance receives Grant from MBF

The Travelling Sceptre, without the use of a Satnav,  has found its way back to Whitley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 788.   It’s there to be rescued.

The Travelling Gavel has left Whitley Bay and moved from the furthest east of the Province to the furthest west and is now in the possession of Hexham Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1141.   Perhaps it can now make its way to the far north to compete the Northumberland triangle.

Dates for the Diary:

NMBF February Social
Saturday 22nd February 2025

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NMBF Summer BBQ 2024

Thank-you letter from HospiceCare

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